In 2017, the CRCLCL successfully responded to a tender from the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) in the NSW government to lead their new Energy Efficiency Decision Making Node as part of their research program. The OEH and the CRCLCL both contributed resources to fund a number of projects which the CRCLCL in turn commissioned from its partners and administered for the OEH.
SP0017p1 - Energy efficiency decision making in the NSW social housing sector
SP0017p2 - Energy efficiency decision making in the NSW transport sector
SP0017p4 - Quantifying multiple impacts of energy efficiency
SP0017p5 - Urban heat islands (UHI) coupled with UHI effects of Solar PV
SP0017p6 - Improving Fuel Efficiency in the NSW Road Transport Sector
SP0017p7 - Developing the baseline for the overarching CCF evaluation
The OEH connects communities with conservation and culture to deliver great outcomes for the environment and heritage. For more information go to their website.