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RP3034: Journal Article: Full-stack engagement: vertical integration and process precursors that promote bottom-up urban transformation

Cities are comprised of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of small parcels of individually owned land. The fractured nature of these tenures, combined with the network of administrative and infrastructural bodies governing them, makes any form of significant and coordinated planning change incredibly complicated, if not untenable. This plurality, of both ownership and regulation, necessitates that stakeholder negotiation across the range of stakeholder groups is required to affect any meaningful change; particularly in an urban context.

This range of stakeholder engagement is referred to as “Full stack” in the presentation title. The term is taken from software engineering and refers to a form of programming that covers all levels of the software “stack”; from the machine code and its distribution through to the well-designed human interfaces. Similarly, “full stack engagement” is an engagement methodology that aims to traverses the complete hierarchy of stakeholders within a field of enquiry and vertically align all levels of stakeholder self-interest.

Rather than simply present yet another methodology, this paper also covers a worked example; illustrating how state government, local government, community members, infrastructure suppliers and a range of industry experts have been organised so as to promote precinct scale regeneration of the urban greyfields.

Read the full article HERE

DOI: 10.4225/50/5b2db52d758e8

RP3034: Community co-design of low carbon precincts for urban regeneration in established suburbs