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Innovation in infrastructure - Barriers and Opportunities to unlock Innovation for a better future

Commissioners of infrastructure projects in Australia are seeking innovative solutions to increasingly complex challenges including low carbon goals, population growth, urban and regional development, transport planning, and renewable energy. With the expected growth in Australia’s population of 60% by 2050, and a national target of reducing carbon emissions to 26-28% on 2005 levels by 2030 innovative solutions need to be found. In conjunction with the CRC for Low Carbon Living, public sector clients, consultants, and contractors, Consult Australia explored the desired outcomes of infrastructure projects, the challenges, and the possible solutions. This report demonstrates a consensus among clients, consultants and contractors that innovation in infrastructure is possible. Consultants and contractors are constrained by procurement processes, inappropriate allocation of risk and resource frustrations. Clients are constrained by legacy and inappropriate systems, political will and the fear that innovation is being driven by the desire of industry for immediate revolutionary change rather than a more achievable gradual shift in approach.

final report innovation crc june 2019 (11997448 PDF)

SP0023p3 - Consult Australia Innovation workshops